quinta-feira, 25 de junho de 2009

Srº e Srª Smith

Para encerrar o mês dos namorados, nada melhor do que uma cena com este casal "quase perfeito".
Este é um diálogo curto e fácil.
Esta é a cena em que o Srº e a Srª Smith se encontram após descobrirem suas verdadeiras profissões.

SrªSmith - Perfect timing.

Srº Smith - As always. This is a nice surprise.

SrªSmith - I hope so. You're home early.

Srº Smith - I missed you.

SrªSmith - I missed you, too. Shall we?

Srº Smith - Yes. Thought these were for special occasions.

SrªSmith - This is a special occasion.

Srº Smith - Pot roast. My favourite. Allow me, sweetheart. Been on your feet all day.

SrªSmith - Thank you.

Srº Smith - Sure. So how's work?

SrªSmith - Actually, we had a little trouble with a commission.

Srº Smith - Is that right?

SrªSmith - Yeah. Double booking with another firm. Green beans?

Srº Smith - No, thank you.

SrªSmith - You'll have some.

Srº Smith - Well, I hope everything worked out OK.

SrªSmith - It hasn't yet. But it will.

Srº Smith - Pot roast is my favourite. Sweetheart, could you pass the salt? Tried something new?

SrªSmith - How was Atlanta?

Srº Smith - Had a few problems ourselves. Some figures didn't add up.

SrªSmith - Big deal?

Srº Smith - Life or death. Wine?

Srº Smith - I got it.

SrªSmith - I'll get a towel.


1 - Perfect timing = Na hora certa

2 - As always = Como sempre (também podemos dizer "as usual")

3 - I hope so = Espero que sim (o contrário seria: I hope not - Espero que não)

4 - Shall we = Vamos jantar (subentende-se o jantar - o shall é a mesma coisa que will, auxiliar e indicador de futuro, porém é mais utilizado em situações formais)

5 - Been on your feet all day = Esteve em pé o dia todo

6 - Is that right? = É mesmo? (também podemos usar: Oh, really?)

7 - You'll have some = Você terá alguns

8 - Some figures didn't add up = Alguns números não somaram (não apresentaram o resultado esperado)

9 - Big deal? = Grande negócio?

10 - Life or death = De vida ou morte

quinta-feira, 18 de junho de 2009


Esta é aquela cena do filme "Grease" onde o Danny e a Sandy se reencontram. A princípio ele age espontaneamente, mas depois, diante do olhar inquisidor dos amigos, ele disfarça e a trata com indiferença. Vamos rever esta cena e é claro... aprimorar a língua inglesa.

RIZZO - Hey, Zuko, I got a surprise for you.

DANNY - Oh, yeah?

RIZZO - Yeah!

DANNY - Sandy!

SANDY - Danny?

DANNY - What are you... what are you doing here? I, I thought you were going back to Australia.

SANDY - We had a change of plan.

DANNY - I can't... that's cool, baby. I mean you know how it is. Rockin’ and rollin’ and whatnot!

SANDY - Danny?

DANNY - That's my name, don’t wear it out.

SANDY - What's the matter with you?

DANNY - What's the matter with me, baby? What's the matter with you?

SANDY - What happened to the Danny Zuko I met at the beach?

DANNY - I do not know. I mean, maybe, uh, maybe there's two of us, right? Why don't you take out a missing-persons ad or try the yellow pages? I don’t know.

SANDY - You're a fake and a phony and I wish I’d never laid eyes on you!

SONNY - Whoa!

DOODY - Whoa!

KENICKIE - I wonder if she carries silver bullets.

DOODY - Yeah!

PUTZIE - Whoa! So, she laid her eyes on you, huh, Zuko?

SONNY - Hey, I bet that's not all she's laid on him.

DOODY - Yeah, right!

KENICKIE - Hey, Zuk, I got a car, remember?

DOODY - Come on, Danny.

KENICKIE - Alright. Who’s got beer money?

PUTZIE - Come on.

DOODY - Well, I swiped my brother’s I.D.

SONNY - I got 250.

DOODY - Come on.

KENICKIE - Alright. Gimme that, gimme this, open that, gimme the gear. Alright. You ride in the front with me.

SANDY - He was so nice to me this summer.

FRENCHY - Listen, Sandy, men are rats. Listen to me. They're, they’re fleas on rats. Worse than that. They're amoebas on fleas on rats. I mean, they are too low for even the dogs to bite. The only man a girl can depend on is her daddy. You know what you need?

SANDY - What?

FRENCHY - A night out with the girls. Huh? We're having a sleepover at my house tonight. Wanna come? Good. You'll love it. Come on.



1 - I got a surprise for you = Eu tenho uma surpresa para você
Exemplos com "got":
I got sick = Eu fiquei doente
I got a promotion = Eu consegui uma promoção
I got a computer = Eu ganhei um computador

2 - We had a change of plans = Tivemos uma mudança de planos
Exemplos com "a change of":
I'm looking for a change of life = E estou procurando por uma mudança de vida
A change of plans happen in a matter of seconds = Uma mudança acontece em uma questão de segundos.
He needs a shave and a change of clothes = Ele precisa de fazer a barba e de uma troca de roupas.

3 - ...don’t wear it out = Não o gaste
Exemplos com "wear out":
These trousers are worn out = Estas calças estão gastas
He has two pairs of worn-out shoes = Ele tem dois pares de sapatos gastos
You look worn out = Você parece exausta (informal)

4 - What's the matter with you? = Qual é o problema com você?
Exemplos com "matter":
No matter what happens, life goes on = Não importa o que aconteça, a vida continua
Matter closed = Assunto encerrado
As a matter of principles = Por uma questão de princípios
It does not matter = Não importa
It is a matter of common sense = É uma questão de bom senso
No matter how cheap it is = Por mais barato que seja

5 - I wish I’d never laid eyes on you = Eu gostaria de nunca ter colocado os olhos em você
Exemplos com "wish":
Make a wish = faça um pedido
I wish on a shooting star... = Eu peço à uma estrela cadente...
I wish you a Merry Christmas = Eu desejo a você Feliz Natal

6 - I wonder if she carries silver bullets = Será que ela carrega balas de prata?
Exemplos com "wonder if":
I wonder if he knows = Será que ele sabe?
I wonder if it's too expensive = Eu imagino que seja caro
I Wonder if she'll get it = Eu me pergunto se ela conseguirá

7 - I bet that's not all she's laid on him = Aposto que isto não é tudo que ela colocou sobre ele.
Exemplos com "bet":
I bet my last dollar = Eu aposto meu último dolar.
I bet you pray at night = Eu estou certo de que você reza à noite
I bet on my team = Eu aposto no meu time
I bet against... = Eu aposto contra...

8 - I got a car =
Exemplos com "got":
Ver sentence 1.

9 - I swiped my brother’s I.D = Eu roubei o R.G. do meu irmão
Exemplos com "swiped" (informal):
Who swiped my phone? = Quem roubou meu telefone?

10 - ...a girl can depend on is her daddy = ...uma garota só pode confiar no pai dela
Exemplos com "depend on":
Can you depend on her? = Você pode contar com ela?
It just depend on us = Isto só depende de nós
You can depend on his honesty = Você pode confiar na honestidade dele

quarta-feira, 17 de junho de 2009

Pop Break



Muito bacana para aprimorar o inglês com tiras de quadrinhos. Acessem e confiram!!!


Vejam este vídeo. É muito divertido. É uma continuação do "An Animated Proposal" (Uma Proposta de Casamento Animada). Desta vez é a preparação dos convites.



There was a man sitting at a bar, and he looks over at the gentleman sitting next to him and says, "Hey, you look familiar. Are you from around here?" The man answers, "Yeah, I live down the street."

"No kidding?" says the first man, "Well, so do I. And hey, you look about my age. Where did you go to high school?"

"Oh I went to Francis Lewis over on Utopia. Graduated in '66. How about you?"

"Get out. I went to Francis Lewis. And I graduated in '66, too." "Where did you go to college?"

"Beloit, in Wisconsin."

"No way! I went to Beloit too. What dorm?"

"Kevin Sullivan dorm."

"Sullivan? You're not going to believe this . . ."

Joe the bartender walks over, and the first guy says, "Joe, you won't believe it in a million years. This guy went to the same high school as me, graduated the same year I did, and went to the same college. We were even in the same dorm. Isn't that amazing?"

Joe looks at them both and says, "Yeah, that's just plain amazing."

A third man comes in and says, "Hey Joe. What's new?" Joe says, "Not much. The Johnson twins are drunk again".

segunda-feira, 15 de junho de 2009

Uma Linda Mulher

Esta cena clássica do filme "Uma Linda Mulher" é curta e fácil. Espero que vcs gostem.

Saleswoman 1 - May I help you?

Vivian - No, thank you. Hi.

Saleswoman 2 - Hello.

Vivian - Do you remember me ?

Saleswoman 2 - No, I'm sorry.

Vivian - I was in here yesterday. You wouldn't wait on me.

Saleswoman 2 - Oh.

Vivian - You work on commission, right ?

Saleswoman 2 - Uh, yes.

Vivian - Big mistake. Big. Huge! I have to go shopping now.

Vivian - Do I look okay?

Edward - Mmm.

Vivian - Mmm?

Edward - Something's missing.

Vivian - Well, nothing else is gonna fit into this dress. I'll tell ya that.

Edward - Well, maybe something in this box. I don't want you to get too excited. This is only on loan.

Vivian - Oh !They really let you borrow this from the jewelry store ?

Edward - I'm a very good customer.

Vivian - If you were gonna buy this, how much would it cost ?

Edward - Quarter of a million.

Vivian - A quarter of a million dollars ? So, where we going?

Edward - It's a surprise.

Vivian - If I forget to tell you later, I had a really good time tonight.

Edward - Thank you. When you're not fidgeting, you look very beautiful... and very tall.



1 - May I help you? = Posso ajudá-la?
Exemplos com "may":
It may rain = Pode chover (evento provável)
May I use your bathroom = Posso usar seu banheiro (permissão)
You may have to change money = Você poder ter que trocar dinheiro (não é certeza)

2 - You work on commission
Exemplos com "work on":
Did you work on holiday? = Você trabalhou no feriado?
Would you like to work on a ship? = Você gostaria de trabalhar em um navio?
The work on this website was all created by me. O trabalho neste website foi todo criado por mim

3 - Big mistake = Grande erro
Exemplos com "big":
Big business = grande negócio
Big storm = grande tempestade
Big Bang = grande explosão

4 - Do I look okay? = Estou bem?
How do you manage to look so young? = Como você consegue parecer tão jovem?
I look like my mother = Eu me pareço com a minha mãe
You don't look your age = Você não aparenta a idade que tem

5 - Something's missing = Algo está faltando
Exemplos com "missing":
I have a tooth missing = Eu tenho um dente faltando
Missing information = Falta de informação
I miss you = Eu sinto a sua falta

6 - This is only on loan = É emprestado
Only readers can have books on loan = Somente leitores podem ter livros emprestados
The following item is on-loan = O próximo item é emprestado

7 - I'm a very good customer = Eu sou um cliente muito bom
Outros exemplos com "very good":
It was a very good year = Foi um ano muito bom
A very good place to start = Um lugar muito bom para começar
I make a very good food = Eu faço uma comida muito boa

8 - how much would it cost = Quanto ele custaria?
Outros exemplos com
How much do you love me? = O quanto você me ama?
How much is your blog worth? = Quanto vale o seu blog?
How much do you weight? = Quanto você pesa?

9 - Quarter of a million = $250,000
Outros exemplos com "million"
Last year, two and a half million Americans lost jobs = Ano passado, 2 milhões e meio de americanos perderam seus empregos
A billion has twice as many zeros as a million = Um bilhão tem duas vezes mais mais zeros que um milhão
They are offering a one-million-dollar prize = Eles estão oferecendo um prêmio de um milhão

10 - you look very beautiful
"See sentence 4"

quarta-feira, 3 de junho de 2009


Em homenagem ao mês dos namorados, vamos publicar o primeiro e o último beijo de Rachel e Ross em Friends. Este vídeo também contém as melhores cenas dos dois. Está maravilhoso!!!

RACHEL: Ross, hi. It's me. I just got back on the plane. And I just feel awful. That is so not how I wanted things to end with us. It's just that I wasn't expecting to see you, and all of a sudden you were there and saying these things... And... And now I'm just sitting here and thinking of all the stuff I should have said, and I didn't. I mean I didn't even get to tell you that I love you too. Because of course I do. I love you. I love you.



ROSS: I didn't get a cat.

RACHEL: Oh, that's so, interesting.

ROSS: No, no it's not interesting. OK, it's very, very not interesting. It's actually a hundred percent completely the opposite of interesting.

RACHEL: Alright, I got it Ross.

ROSS:You had no right to tell me you ever had feelings for me.


ROSS: I was doing great with Julie before I found out about you.

RACHEL: Hey, I was doing great before I found out about you. You think it's easy for me to see you with Julie?

ROSS: Then you should have said something before I met her.

RACHEL: I didn't know then. And how come you never said anything to me.

ROSS: There was never a good time.

RACHEL: Right, you, you only had a year. We only hung out every night.

ROSS: Not, not, not every night. OK. It, it's too late, I'm with somebody else, I'm happy. This ship has sailed

RACHEL: Yeah, what're you saying, you just sort of put away feelings or whatever the hell it was you felt for me?

ROSS: Hey, I've been doing it since the ninth grade, I've gotten pretty damn good at it.

RACHEL: Alright, fine, you go ahead and you do that, alright Ross.

ROSS: Fine.

RACHEL: 'Cause I don't need your stupid ship.

ROSS: Good.


RACHEL: And you know what, now I've got closure.


ROSS: No! No! Oh my God. Did she get off the plane? Did she get off the plane?

RACHEL: I got off the plane.

ROSS: You got off the plane.

RACHEL: I do love you.

ROSS: I love you too, and I'm never letting you go again.

RACHEL: Okay. 'Cause this is where I wanna be, okay? No more messing around . I don't wanna mess this up again.

ROSS: Me neither, okay? We are - we're done being stupid.




1 - I just feel awful = Eu simplesmente me sinto horrível
Exemplos com "feel" para o dia-a-dia:
I just feel the pain. (Eu só sinto a dor)
I just feel blessed. (Eu simplesmente me sinto abençoada)
I just feel like a child. (Eu simplesmente me sinto como uma criança)

2 - ...and all of a sudden you were there = ...e de repente você estava lá
Exemplos com "all of a sudden" para o dia-a-dia:
...and all of a sudden you left me (e de repente você me deixou)
...and all of a sudden it's back to normal (e de repente voltou ao normal)
...and all of a sudden my car died (e de repente meu carro morreu)
...and all of a sudden it's over (e de repente acabou)

3 - I didn't even get to tell you = E nem mesmo consegui te dizer
Exemplos com "even" para o dia-a-dia:
I didn't even know I was pregnant = (Eu nem mesmo sabia que eu estava grávida)
I didn't even know her name = (Eu nem mesmo sabia o nome dela)
I don't even like him = (Eu nem mesmo gosto dele)

4 - You had no right to tell me = Você não tinha o direito de me dizer
Exemplos com "no right" para o dia-a-dia:
She has no right to be here = (Ela não tem o direito de estar aqui)
They have no right to do that = (Eles não têm o direito de fazer isto)
You had no right to strike your brother = (Você não tinha o direito de bater no seu irmão)

5 - ...you ever had feelings for me = ...você já tinha sentimentos por mim
Exemplos com "ever" para o dia-a-dia:
She ever talked to strangers (Ela já falou com estranhos)
I ever told a lie (Eu já contei uma mentira)
He ever saw a UFO (Ele já viu um OVNI)

6 - ...before I found out about you = antes de eu descobrir sobre você
Exemplos com "find out" para o dia-a-dia:
When did you find out about them? (Quando você descobriu sobre eles?)
I just found out about this blog today (Eu só descobri sobre este blog hoje)
I just found out about them (Eu acabei de descobrir sobre eles)

7 - We only hung out every night = Nós saíamos todas as noites.
Exemplos com "hang out" para o dia-a-dia:
My boyfriend act different after he hangs out with his friends (Meu namorado age diferente depois que ele sai com os amigos dele)
I hung out for 30 minutes with an old friend (Eu saí por 30 minutos com um velho amigo)
I hung out with my ex-girlfriend last night (Eu saí com minha ex-namorada ontem à noite)

8 - There was never a good time = Nunca houve uma boa hora
Exemplos com "There be" para o dia-a-dia:
There will be a concert tonight (Haverá um concerto esta noite)
There shouldn't be a next time (Não deveria haver uma próxima vez)
There wasn't anything good on TV (Não havia nada bom na TV)

9 - Did she get off the plane? = Ela desembarcou do avião?
Exemplos com "get off" para o dia-a-dia:
When did she get off the bus? (Quando ela saiu do ônibus)
I will get off the plane at 10'clock (Eu desembarcarei do avião às 10h)
We got off the ship late (Nós desembarcamos do navio tarde)

10 - No more messing around = Chega de amolações
Exemplos com "no more" para o dia-a-dia:
No more tears (Chega de lágrimas)
No more lonely nights (Chega de noites solitárias)
No more lies = (Chega de mentiras)
