quinta-feira, 25 de novembro de 2010


Elenco: Will Ferrell, Tina Fey, Jonah Hill, Brad Pitt

Tente descobrir as 10 palavras que estão faltando antes de ver a transcrição:

I've always believed that destiny chooses our path in life.

Here is your _______________.

Here is your _______________.

You are destined for.

Destined for... what? I didn't quite hear that last part.

They came to our world together. But they were destined.

Our baby can fly.

Yes, yes nothing but the best for you, darling.

To take different _______________.

Can we keep him?

One would be _______________.

Happy Metroman day, Metro City!

I love you Metroman!

And I love you, _______________ citizen!

While the other...

Table for two.

..was _______________.

What? What?

But November 5th.

A new threat has come to Metro City... Consider yourselves under new management.

..and Metroman is nowhere to be found.

He'll destroy the whole city!

I'm sorry. I'm finally free to get in touch with my true power. Making awesome music.

You're kidding, right?

World needs a hero.

You need to be that guy.

Well, this is a strange _______________.

Quick ModeHe will answer the call.

Olo, It's hello.

Oh. hello. Like that?

Just a few alterations, and I will be done with your cape. I'm calling it the Black Mamba.

Let the _______________ begin.

Where did you park the invisible?

What's the plan?

It mostly involves not dying.

That's a good plan. I like that plan.

Ah. Quick the spray!

We're all out. Well, use the forget me stick. Oh, right.

Check this out. I have eyes, that can see, right through _______________.

Do you have your _______________?

Oh, you look fantastic.



I've always believed that destiny chooses our path in life.

Here is your sidekick (amigo fiel / parceiro).

Here is your binky (apelido para pacifier = chupeta).

You are destined for.

Destined for... what? I didn't quite hear that last part.

They came to our world together. But they were destined.

Our baby can fly.

Yes, yes nothing but the best for you, darling.

To take different paths (caminhos).

Can we keep him?

One would be cheered (animado).

Happy Metroman day, Metro City!

I love you Metroman!

And I love you, random (aleatório / desconhecido) citizen!

While the other...

Table for two.

..was feared (temido).

What? What?

But November 5th.

A new threat has come to Metro City... Consider yourselves under new management.

..and Metroman is nowhere to be found.

He'll destroy the whole city!

I'm sorry. I'm finally free to get in touch with my true power. Making awesome music.

You're kidding, right?

World needs a hero.

You need to be that guy.

Well, this is a strange turn of events (rumo dos acontecimentos).

Quick ModeHe will answer the call.

Olo, It's hello.

Oh. hello. Like that?

Just a few alterations, and I will be done with your cape. I'm calling it the Black Mamba. Nota: A "mamba-negra" é a segunda serpente maior e mais venenosa do mundo.

Let the showdown (plano) begin.

Where did you park the invisible?

What's the plan?

It mostly involves not dying.

That's a good plan. I like that plan.

Ah. Quick the spray!

We're all out. Well, use the forget me stick. Oh, right.

Check this out. I have eyes, that can see, right through lead (chumbo).

Do you have your disguise (disfarce)?

Oh, you look fantastic.

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See you!!!

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